By Carlye Stone
When looking for Waltz music, you should seek out songs that are on the slower side. These songs will have about 84-90 BPM (beats per measure). Waltz has 3/4 timing, meaning each measure will consist of 3 beats. When listening to a song, listen for a pattern to emerge that starts over again every 3rd note. This is a good indicator that you are listening to a Waltz song. If you manage to count to 4 before the pattern repeats, you are most likely listening to a song with 4/4 timing, which is not considered to be Waltz.
East Coast Swing
By Liz Watkins
East Coast Swing is often danced to a Big Band style of music. In addition to this, you will see ECS danced to Jazz and Blues music that has a "swung rhythm". The dance itself is characterized by high energy, big tricks and the strong desire to bounce! Enjoy our playlist we put together to practice your swing!